Recent content by Storm Shadow

  1. Storm Shadow

    Class Informer By Sirmabus

    Going good, not so much activity .
  2. Storm Shadow

    Class Informer By Sirmabus

    I can check out the byte string limit. I haven't noticed it before
  3. Storm Shadow

    Class Informer By Sirmabus

    Think you still have to use Classinformer, i cannot recal there is a build in function that does exactly the same
  4. Storm Shadow

    IDA Export view weirdness

    Hello It could be the OS you are using and if ASLR is turned on. Take a look on this thread on stack overflow
  5. Storm Shadow

    Site back up again

    My provider upgraded the php version så the site got a lot off errors the last past days and lokked very wierd, should be okay again .
  6. Storm Shadow

    Fentanyl + WWCD for better IDA View & Patcher

    Cool thanks
  7. Storm Shadow

    Polarssl libraries

  8. Storm Shadow

    Ida Pro Problems

    You can just PM me if there is problem with profile. Yes you should downgrade or install the python version that comes with ida installer. IDAPython and Python 3 As of now (IDA version 7.3), IDA ships with an IDAPython plugin, that is compiled against, and compatible with Python 2.7.
  9. Storm Shadow

    Ida Pro Problems

    Looks like you have he wrong python version installed in your system. Do you have a box in the buttom left side that says python,or does it say idc
  10. Storm Shadow

    PyQt5 for IDA 7.4 & python3

    Cool thx. Shouldent there be also the QT *.pyd files also QtCore.pyd and so on ? the qt pyd files is the python bindings, or is changed in new version after 7.2