HELP IDA Pro Tutorial Video by (GH)Rake


New member
Hey it's Me! Thanks for sharing my video. The internet did not have a good beginner IDA tutorial so I tried to fill the void with this series. People always ask me "how to learn reversing" or "how to reverse this" as if there is a 10 Step method that will solve all their reversing problems. What they don't want to hear is that it takes hours and hours of staring at a disassembler/debugger, but that's the truth ain't it!

Storm Shadow

Staff member
Ida Pro Expert
Elite Cracker
Hello @GH_Rake
Such great tut needs to be shared as much as possible. :)
the video tut is a great example where hard work can bring you.As you say countless hours goes with just just reading and trial and error.

Storm Shadow

Staff member
Ida Pro Expert
Elite Cracker
Thank you for the re uploads @GH_Rake
Damn youtube cracking down on this, this was informative videos not cracking :D