Exports previously-starred articles from Google Reader to Evernote
Run with -h to see available options.
If you use Google Reader (and probably even if you don't), you probably know that Google has announced they're shutting it down on July 1. I've got hundreds of starred articles in Reader, and I'd like to get them into a service that I have more control over. Since Evernote stores your data locally on your devices, I've found it's a good service for keeping my data in the cloud without running the risk of losing it if/when Evernote goes away.
export_gr2evernote.py takes the exported JSON file produced by Google's Takeout (namely, 'starred.json') and dumps it into Evernote, using Evernote's e-mail note submission feature.
Note that if you have a lot of starred articles, you can blow through your daily e-mail upload limit quite easily! As of this writing, free accounts have a limit of 50 e-mails per day; premium accounts have a limit of 250. To accomodate that limitation, the script keeps track of where it left off each day (by writing a python pickle file in the current working directory) so that when you run it on subsequent days, you can simply use the --continue option to continue your article dump.
Exports previously-starred articles from Google Reader to Evernote
Run with -h to see available options.
If you use Google Reader (and probably even if you don't), you probably know that Google has announced they're shutting it down on July 1. I've got hundreds of starred articles in Reader, and I'd like to get them into a service that I have more control over. Since Evernote stores your data locally on your devices, I've found it's a good service for keeping my data in the cloud without running the risk of losing it if/when Evernote goes away.
export_gr2evernote.py takes the exported JSON file produced by Google's Takeout (namely, 'starred.json') and dumps it into Evernote, using Evernote's e-mail note submission feature.
Note that if you have a lot of starred articles, you can blow through your daily e-mail upload limit quite easily! As of this writing, free accounts have a limit of 50 e-mails per day; premium accounts have a limit of 250. To accomodate that limitation, the script keeps track of where it left off each day (by writing a python pickle file in the current working directory) so that when you run it on subsequent days, you can simply use the --continue option to continue your article dump.
# A script for exporting all starred items from Google Reader to Evernote,
# using exported JSON data from Google's Takeout and Evernote's
# note emailing feature.
# Copyright 2013 Paul Kerchen
# This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import smtplib
import json
import io
import getopt, sys
import getpass
import os.path
import pickle
def usage():
print "\nOptions:"
print "-c, --continue: Pick up where the last export left off, using the same parameters from"
print " the last export. If other options are specified, they will override any parameters"
print " from the last export."
print "-e, --evernote-user: The Evernote email username (NOT the Evernote username) to send messages to. [required]"
print " Username only; do not include the '@m.evernote.com'!"
print "-g, --gmail-user: The gmail username to send messages from. [required]"
print " Username only; do not include the '@gmail.com'!"
print "-m, --maximum: The maximum number of messages that should be sent."
print " If you do not specify a maximum, all messages will be sent."
print " Note that Evernote limits the number of notes that can be added via e-mail in a single day."
print " For free accounts, the limit is 50; for premium accounts, it is 250."
print "-n, --notebook: The name of the Evernote notebook to put sent notes in."
print " If you do not specify a notebook, sent notes will be put in the default notebook."
print "-s, --skip: The number of articles to skip before sending the first e-mail message."
print " Useful for picking up where you left off from the previous day if you"
print " ran into Evernote's e-mail submission daily limit."
print "-h, --help: Print this message and exit."
print "When prompted for a password, enter the password for the sender gmail address."
print "It is expected that the exported starred items are in a file named 'starred_json' in the current working directory."
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "ce:m:n:g:s:h", ["continue","evernote-user=","maximum=","notebook=","gmail-user=","skip=","help"])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
print str(err)
sender_user = ""
evernote_user = ""
notebook = ""
message_limit = -1
skip_count = 0
continue_from_prev = False
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-c", "--continue"):
continue_from_prev = True
elif o in ("-g", "--gmail-user"):
sender_user = a
elif o in ("-e", "--evernote-user"):
evernote_user = a
elif o in ("-m", "--maximum"):
message_limit = int(a)
elif o in ("-n", "--notebook"):
notebook = a
elif o in ("-s", "--skip"):
skip_count = int(a)
elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
if continue_from_prev:
if not os.path.exists("continuation.txt"):
print "Continuation data file not found; cannot continue."
last_session_data = open("continuation.txt")
if not last_session_data.closed:
val = pickle.load( last_session_data ) # skip count
if skip_count == 0:
skip_count = val
val = pickle.load( last_session_data ) # limit
if message_limit == -1:
message_limit = val
val = pickle.load( last_session_data ) # notebook
if not notebook:
notebook = val
val = pickle.load( last_session_data ) # sender
if not sender_user:
sender_user = val
val = pickle.load( last_session_data ) # evernote username
if not evernote_user:
evernote_user = val
print "Continuing with:"
print " Skip count: %d" % skip_count
print " Message limit: %d" % message_limit
print " Notebook: %s" % notebook
print " gmail username: %s" % sender_user
print " Evernote username: %s" % evernote_user
print "Continuation data file cannot be opened; cannot continue."
if not sender_user or not evernote_user:
print "Missing required parameter."
sender_addr = sender_user + "@gmail.com"
evernote_addr = evernote_user + "@m.evernote.com"
FROM = sender_user
TO = [evernote_addr] #must be a list
json_file = open("starred.json")
json_dict = json.loads( unicode(json_file.read(), encoding="utf-8") )
item_list = json_dict[ "items" ]
print "Number of articles found in json export: %d" % len(item_list)
if message_limit < 0:
message_limit = len(item_list)
print "Number of notes to be added to Evernote: %d" % message_limit
if message_limit > 50:
print "Warning: if you have a free account, adding more than 50 notes in one day will most likely fail."
if message_limit > 250:
print "Warning: adding more than 250 notes in one day will most likely fail."
if skip_count > 0:
print "The first %d articles will be skipped" % skip_count
sender_pwd = getpass.getpass()
original_message_limit = message_limit
sent_count = 0
fail_count = 0
article_num = 0
note_count = 0
for s in item_list:
article_num = article_num + 1
if skip_count > 0:
skip_count = skip_count - 1
note_count = note_count + 1
subject = unicode(s["title"]).encode('ascii', 'replace')
if notebook:
subject = subject + " @" + notebook
msg_body = ""
if 'canonical' in s.keys():
d = s["canonical"][0]
msg_body = msg_body + "URL: " + unicode(d["href"]).encode('ascii', 'replace') + "\r\n"
if 'alternate' in s.keys():
d = s["alternate"][0]
msg_body = msg_body + "Alt URL:" + unicode(d["href"]).encode('ascii', 'replace') + "\r\n"
if 'summary' in s.keys():
d = s["summary"]
msg_body = msg_body + "Summary: " + unicode(d["content"]).encode('ascii', 'replace') + "\r\n"
if 'content' in s.keys():
d = s["content"]
msg_body = msg_body + unicode(d["content"]).encode('ascii', 'replace')
msg_body = msg_body + "</en-note>\r\n"
# Prepare actual message
message = """\From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s
""" % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), subject, msg_body)
server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
server.login(sender_addr, sender_pwd)
server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message)
sent_count = sent_count + 1
print ("Successfully sent note {0} for article {1} '{2}'").format( note_count, article_num, subject )
print ("Failed to send note {0} for article {1} '{2}'").format( note_count, article_num, subject )
fail_count = fail_count + 1
message_limit = message_limit - 1
if message_limit < 1:
print ("Successfully sent {0} notes; {1} failed").format( sent_count, fail_count )
cont_file = open( "continuation.txt", "w" )
# Write new skip count, message count,
pickle.dump( article_num, cont_file ) # New skip count = number of last-sent article
pickle.dump( original_message_limit, cont_file )
pickle.dump( notebook, cont_file )
pickle.dump( sender_user, cont_file )
pickle.dump( evernote_user, cont_file )
print "Continuation data saved to 'continuation.txt'"