HELP Help converting idc script to python script.

Storm Shadow

Staff member
Ida Pro Expert
Elite Cracker
I could use some help converting some idc script to python in ida.

I convertet find_stdu.idc

* find_stdu.idc -- Simply find 'stdu' instructions and make functions there.
*                  Should be helpful to make IDA analyze raw elf chunks.
* Copyright (C) Youness Alaoui (KaKaRoTo)
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License ("GPL") version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <idc.idc>
static main() {
  auto ea;
  for ( ea = 0; ea != BADADDR;) {
    ea = FindBinary(ea, 1, "F8 21");
    if (ea == BADADDR)
    MakeFunction(ea, BADADDR);
    ea = ea + 4;

Python version

import idc
import idaapi
ea = 0
while True:
    ea = FindBinary(ea, SEARCH_DOWN, "F8 21")
    if ea == idaapi.BADADDR:
    idc.MakeFunction(ea, BADADDR),
    ea = ea + 4

now im trying to convert
analyzeelf.idc it finds the TOC in a PowerPC file
* analyze_self.idc -- Analyzes a SELF file, find it's TOC, OPD and import/export structures.
* Copyright (C) Youness Alaoui (KaKaRoTo)
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License ("GPL") version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "common.idh"
static FindOpd() {
  auto ea, seg, toc, next_toc, found_seg;
  found_seg = 0;
  for (seg = FirstSeg(); found_seg == 0 && NextSeg(seg) != seg; seg = NextSeg(seg)) {
    for (ea = SegStart(seg); ea + 8 < SegEnd(seg); ea = ea + 8) {
      toc = Dword(ea + 0x04);
      next_toc = ;
      if (toc == 0  || toc == 0xFFFFFFFF || toc != next_toc) {
    found_seg = 0;
      found_seg = seg;
  if (found_seg != 0) {
    RenameSeg(found_seg, "OPD");
    Message("Found Opd: 0x%X - TOC = 0x%X\n", found_seg, Dword(found_seg + 0x04));
  return found_seg;
static FindToc(opd) {
  auto toc;
  toc = Dword(opd + 0x04);
  MakeName(toc, "TOC");
  return toc;
static FindImportsExports() {
  auto ea, seg, size, import_start, import_end, export_start, export_end;
  Message("Finding Import/Export structure\n");
  for (seg = FirstSeg(); export_start == 0 && NextSeg(seg) != seg; seg = NextSeg(seg)) {
    if ((SegEnd(seg) - SegStart(seg)) % 0x1C != 0)
    for (ea = SegStart(seg); ea + 0x1c < SegEnd(seg); ea = ea + 0x1C) {
      size = Word(ea);
      if (size != 0x1C00) {
    export_start = 0;
      export_start = seg;
  if (export_start != 0) {
    export_end = SegEnd(export_start);
    RenameSeg(export_start, "Exports");
    Message("Found Export Table: 0x%X\n", export_start);
    CreateExports(export_start, export_end);
  for (seg = export_start; import_start == 0 && NextSeg(seg) != seg; seg = NextSeg(seg)) {
    if ((SegEnd(seg) - SegStart(seg)) % 0x2C != 0)
    for (ea = SegStart(seg); ea + 0x2c < SegEnd(seg); ea = ea + 0x2C) {
      size = Word(ea);
      if (size != 0x2C00) {
    import_start = 0;
      import_start = seg;
  if (import_start != 0) {
    import_end = SegEnd(import_start);
    RenameSeg(import_start, "Imports");
    Message("Found Import Table: 0x%X\n", import_start);
    CreateImports(import_start, import_end);
  return ea;
static main() {
  auto ea, toc, opd, make_unk;
  make_unk = AskYN (0, "Do you want to undefine the entire database before continuing?\n"
        "It is recomended to start fresh because IDA can screw up the file otherwise.\n"
        "WARNING: You will loose any work you've done on this file!!");
  if (make_unk == -1) {
  if (make_unk == 1)
    MakeUnknown(0, BADADDR, DOUNK_SIMPLE);
  opd = FindOpd();
  if (opd == 0) {
    Message("Could not find the OPD segment\n");
  toc = FindToc(opd);
  if (toc != 0) {
    Message("\nFound TOC at 0x%X\n", toc);
    opd = CreateOpd(toc);
    Message("\TOC label at 0x%X\n", toc);
    Warning(form("%s\n%s\n%s 0x%X\n%s",
                "Don't forget to go to Options->General->Analysis->"
                "Processor specific options\n",
                "And under TOC Address, enter : ", toc,
                "Then press ok, then Reanalyze program"));
  } else {
    Message("Sorry, couldn't find the TOC");

so far in python

import idaapi
import idc
import idautils
def FindOpd(ea, seg, Toc, NextToc, FoundSeg):
    foundSeg = 0
    seg = FirstSeg()
    FoundSeg == 0, NextSeg = seg)
    seg == 0
    ea = SegStart()
    ea + 8 < SegEnd()
    ea = ea + 8
    Toc = int(ea + 0x0C)
    Next = int(ea + 0x0C)
    if Toc == 0xFFFFFFFF:
        Found = seg
        if Found == 0:
            RenameSeg(Found, "OPD")
            print("Found Opd: 0x%X - TOC = 0x%X\n", FoundSeg, int(FoundSeg + 0x04))
            return FoundSeg;