Serious Engine
This is the source code for Serious Engine v.1.10, including the following projects:
To build Serious Engine 1, you'll need Visual Studio 2013 or 2015, Professional or Community edition ( ).
Try to keep the path to the solution file as short as possible. Do not use spaces in the path.
Once you've installed Visual Studio and (optionally) DirectX8 SDK, you can build the engine solution (/Sources/All.sln). Press F7 or Build -> Build solution. The libraries and executables will be put into \Bin\ directory (or \Bin\Debug\ if you are using the Debug configuration).
Optional features
DirectX support is disabled by default. If you need DirectX support you'll have to download DirectX8 SDK (headers & libraries) ( or ) and then enable the SE1_D3D switch for all projects in the solution (Project properties -> Configuration properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor definitions -> Add "SE1_D3D" for both Debug and Release builds). You will also need to make sure the DirectX8 headers and libraries are located in the following folders (make the folder structure if it's not existing yet):
3D Exploration support is disabled in the open source version of Serious Engine 1 due to copyright issues. In case if you need to create new models you will have to either use editing tools from any of the original games, or write your own code for 3D object import/export.
IFeel support is disabled in the open source version of Serious Engine 1 due to copyright issues. In case if you need IFeel support you will have to copy IFC22.dll and ImmWrapper.dll from the original game into the \Bin\ folder.
This version of the engine comes with a set of resources (\SE1_10.GRO) that allow you to freely use the engine without any additional resources required. However if you want to open or modify levels from Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter or The Second Encounter (including most user-made levels), you will have to copy the game's resources (.GRO files) into the engine folder. You can buy the original games on Steam, as a part of a bundle with Serious Sam Revolution ( )
When running a selected project, make sure its project settings on Debugging is set to the right command:
In case if ECC crashes during compilation of ES files in debug mode, make your solution path shorter. Paths longer than 31 symbols are known to cause problems in debug mode. Before starting the build process, make sure you have a "Temp" folder in your development directory. If it doesn't exist, create it. SeriousSkaStudio has some issues with MFC windows that can prevent the main window from being displayed properly.
Serious Engine is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 (see LICENSE file).
Some of the code included with the engine sources is not licensed under the GNU GPL v2:
Source github
This is the source code for Serious Engine v.1.10, including the following projects:
- DedicatedServer
- Ecc The Entity Class Compiler, a custom build tool used to compile *.es files
- Engine Serious Engine 1.10
- EngineGUI Common GUI things for game tools
- EntitiesMP All the entity logic
- GameGUIMP Common GUI things for game tools
- GameMP All the game logic
- Modeler Serious Modeler
- RCon Used to connect to servers using an admin password
- SeriousSam The main game executable
- SeriousSkaStudio Serious Ska Studio
- WorldEditor Serious Editor
- DecodeReport Used to decode crash *.rpt files
- Depend Used to build a list of dependency files based on a list of root files
- LWSkaExporter Exporter for use in LightWave
- MakeFONT Used for generating *.fnt files
- Shaders Compiled shaders
- GameAgent The serverlist masterserver written in Python
To build Serious Engine 1, you'll need Visual Studio 2013 or 2015, Professional or Community edition ( ).
Try to keep the path to the solution file as short as possible. Do not use spaces in the path.
Once you've installed Visual Studio and (optionally) DirectX8 SDK, you can build the engine solution (/Sources/All.sln). Press F7 or Build -> Build solution. The libraries and executables will be put into \Bin\ directory (or \Bin\Debug\ if you are using the Debug configuration).
Optional features
DirectX support is disabled by default. If you need DirectX support you'll have to download DirectX8 SDK (headers & libraries) ( or ) and then enable the SE1_D3D switch for all projects in the solution (Project properties -> Configuration properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor definitions -> Add "SE1_D3D" for both Debug and Release builds). You will also need to make sure the DirectX8 headers and libraries are located in the following folders (make the folder structure if it's not existing yet):
- /Tools.Win32/Libraries/DX8SDK/Include/..
- /Tools.Win32/Libraries/DX8SDK/Lib/..
3D Exploration support is disabled in the open source version of Serious Engine 1 due to copyright issues. In case if you need to create new models you will have to either use editing tools from any of the original games, or write your own code for 3D object import/export.
IFeel support is disabled in the open source version of Serious Engine 1 due to copyright issues. In case if you need IFeel support you will have to copy IFC22.dll and ImmWrapper.dll from the original game into the \Bin\ folder.
This version of the engine comes with a set of resources (\SE1_10.GRO) that allow you to freely use the engine without any additional resources required. However if you want to open or modify levels from Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter or The Second Encounter (including most user-made levels), you will have to copy the game's resources (.GRO files) into the engine folder. You can buy the original games on Steam, as a part of a bundle with Serious Sam Revolution ( )
When running a selected project, make sure its project settings on Debugging is set to the right command:
- For debug: $(SolutionDir)..\Bin\Debug\$(TargetName).exe`
- For release: $(SolutionDir)..\Bin\$(TargetName).exe` And its working directory: $(SolutionDir)..\
In case if ECC crashes during compilation of ES files in debug mode, make your solution path shorter. Paths longer than 31 symbols are known to cause problems in debug mode. Before starting the build process, make sure you have a "Temp" folder in your development directory. If it doesn't exist, create it. SeriousSkaStudio has some issues with MFC windows that can prevent the main window from being displayed properly.
Serious Engine is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 (see LICENSE file).
Some of the code included with the engine sources is not licensed under the GNU GPL v2:
- zlib (located in Sources/Engine/zlib) by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
- LightWave SDK (located in Sources/LWSkaExporter/SDK) by NewTek Inc.
Source github